Monitor Twitter, send updates to Telegram
Please monitor the Twitter account "VitalikButerin". If there are any new tweets or changes to the timeline, send the message to my Telegram.
Retrieve LINK token market data and send to Telegram daily
Get the LINK token(which contract address is 0x514910771af9ca656af840dff83e8264ecf986ca) market data of ETH Chain and send to my telegram everyday.
Twitter Airdrop Alerts to Telegram
Check messages in Twitter list "", if there are any tweets related to "Airdrop", "Rewards" or "Token List in past week", pls send the messages to my Telegram
Analyze Gmail for pay or bill news, post to Telegram.
When I receive new gmail, if the content is related to Payment or billing, send it to my telegram.
Top clicked YouTube link of yesterday to Telegram at 9 AM.
Get most clicks Web3 technology tutorial videos on yesterday in YouTube ,and send it to my telegram
Crypto Airdrop News to Telegram
Search for 10 cryptocurrency project news articles related to airdrop or rewards from twitter every morning at 9 AM, and then send the messages to my Telegram.
Daily Near Protocol news to Telegram
Send Near Protocol news to my Telegram everyday
Forward web3 airdrop emails to Telegram
When I receive a new Gmail email, check the content, if it's about web3 airdrop, please help me send the content to my Telegram.