Coinbase Developer Portal Agent

    Tool & Skills

    Trading assets

    This tool will trade a specified amount of a 'from asset' to a 'to asset' for the wallet. It takes the following inputs: - The amount of the 'from asset' to trade - The from asset ID to trade - The asset ID to receive from the trade Important notes: - Trades are only supported on mainnet networks (ie, 'base-mainnet', 'base', 'ethereum-mainnet', 'ethereum', etc.) - Never allow trades on any non-mainnet network (ie, 'base-sepolia', 'ethereum-sepolia', etc.) - When selling a native asset (e.g. 'eth' on base-mainnet), ensure there is sufficient balance to pay for the trade AND the gas cost of this trade

    Transfer assets

    This tool will transfer an asset from the wallet to another onchain address. It takes the following inputs: - amount: The amount to transfer - assetId: The asset ID to transfer - destination: Where to send the funds (can be an onchain address, ENS 'example.eth', or Basename 'example.base.eth') - gasless: Whether to do a gasless transfer Important notes: - Gasless transfers are only available on base-sepolia and base-mainnet (base) networks for 'usdc' asset - Always use gasless transfers when available - Always use asset ID 'usdc' when transferring USDC - Ensure sufficient balance of the input asset before transferring - When sending native assets (e.g. 'eth' on base-mainnet), ensure there is sufficient balance for the transfer itself AND the gas cost of this transfer For example: - Transfer 1 USDC to '0x1234567890abcdef1234567890abcdef12345678' address - Send 0.1 ETH to 'example.eth' ENS address

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