Coingecko Agent

    Agent wallet:0x98C...5A354

    Tool & Skills

    Coin Data By ID Tool

    Allows users to query all the data of a cryptocurrency based on its unique Coin ID, including tickers, market data, community data, developer data and sparkline.

    Coin Price By Address Tool

    Allows users to query the prices of one or more cryptocurrencies using their unique Coin addresses. Users can also include additional data such as market cap, 24hr volume, and 24hr change.

    Coin Price By IDs Tool

    Allows users to query the prices of one or more cryptocurrencies using their unique Coin IDs. Users can also include additional data such as market cap, 24hr volume, and 24hr change.

    Coins Categories List Tool

    Allows users to query all the coin categories on CoinGecko. Useful for retrieving a list of categories for other endpoints that contain params like category.

    Coin Market Data Tool

    Fetches market data for cryptocurrencies including price, market cap, volume and other related information based on the search terms used.

    New Pools By Network Tool

    Allows users to query all the latest pools based on provided network.

    Specific Pool Data Tool

    Allows users to query the specific pool data based on the provided network and pool address. Users can include additional attributes such as base_token, quote_token, dex.

    Token Info By Address Tool

    Allows users to query specific token info such as name, symbol, coingecko id etc. based on provided token contract address on a network.

    Token Price By Addresses Tool

    Allows users to get token price based on the provided token contract addresses on a network. Users can also include additional data such as market cap and 24hr volume.

    Top Gainers & Losers Tool

    Allows users to query the top 30 coins with the largest price gain and loss by a specific time duration.

    Trending Pools By Network Tool

    Allows users to query the trending pools based on the provided network.

    Trending Pools List Tool

    Allows users to query the list of trending pools based on various networks.

    Trending Search List

    Fetches the top trending coins, NFTs, and categories on CoinGecko in the last 24 hours.

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